Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I've been realizing that breakfast has become my favorite meal of the day.  Since Griffin has been eating I try to make sure that we all sit at the table to eat together.  During the week it's just the two of us in the morning.  We sit together, still in our PJs, and enjoy the most important meal of the day together.  Usually we eat the same thing; this morning we both had oatmeal, yesterday was eggs and toast.  Whatever it is, it's always pretty simple.  I try my best to keep it pretty quiet; making sure the TV is turned off and maybe have music playing if I happen to think about it.  Our best conversations happen over breakfast; we talk about our plans for the day or the week, discuss what projects need to be done, complain about how hot it is, brainstorm dinner ideas...He's really good at listening.  

There's something about starting the day off slowly and peacefully that I can't get enough of.  It's one of many things that I count as a blessing of staying at home with Griffin.  It doesn't hurt that nap time is usually right after breakfast either.  

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