Friday, February 26, 2010

5 for Friday

I'm too tired to find five today, so here's three things that made me smile.

no. 1:  Cranky Pants
How could anyone be cranky in these pants?  I wish they came in my size.

no. 2:  Little Sweater Vest
This is linked to a tutorial for making the little sweater vest from an adult's sweater.  For some reason lately I have been itching to make all sorts of things; it's a shame that I barely know my way around my sewing machine.  They've labeled the project as suitable for beginners, so I feel that there's hope. 
Side note:  There is a tutorial on making those adorable little pants too; I'm already getting overwhelmed....

no.3: Piglet
I can't stop smiling at this.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Heart is Mush

Sadly, this is a rare occurrence with Griffin.  He just isn't a very cuddly sleeper.  Lately I have found myself wanting to have some sleepy cuddling time with him.  He doesn't sleep in our bed, but one night I begged Dave to let him sleep with us.  He knew it wasn't a great idea, but let me make the decision.  Boy, that was the worst sleep for both me and Griffin.  He was just not having it, so around 6 or so in the morning I finally cracked and took him to his crib, where he slept like his usual self.  I, on the other hand, spent the following day feeling worthless.  Lesson learned.

Griffin is pretty hard-headed when it comes to his sleep.  When he is tired he lets you know.  And don't try rocking him or singing to him, just swaddle him up and lay him in his crib and he'll take care of the rest.  I feel like this is an awesome trait he has, but I just long for him to be able to sleep on my chest again.  To feel his chest move, to hear the faint snore of his fast little breaths, and to feel the warmth he radiates that in turn makes me sleepy.  Sometimes when he's crying his sleepy cry, I just hope that he'll fall asleep on me, but it never happens that way.  Occasionally he'll fall asleep in my arms while nursing, but never for more than a few minutes at a time.

Griffin must have heard my constant wishing, because Monday he decided to melt my heart by falling asleep in the crook of my neck.  He stayed there nuzzling his head into me for almost an hour, the best hour of the day. I'm hoping that it was as comfortable for him as it was for me, and maybe he'll just feel like cuddling with me more often.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best Date Ever!

This year I was lucky enough to have two dates for Valentine's, and I received double the love.  It could not have been better.
We had a delicious brunch at my favorite restaurant, then went for coffee and truffles at a little coffee shop.  
Dave picked out our truffles and completely won me over with one filled with Nutella.  Yum.  I'm on a hazelnut kick now, so it paired with my hazelnut latte perfectly.  
This was by far the best date that I've ever been on.  I had both my big mister and my little mister, and we were all in the best of moods.  GV was even complemented a couple of times from our waiter at brunch for being so awesome; he slept through the entire date.  We came home to take the best kind of nap--a snowy Sunday nap.  

Ahh...I hope to have many more dates like this to come.  I really do.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

5 for Friday

The second edition of this series has taken on a crafty theme.

no. 1:  Play Area
My dream home also has a little space that looks exactly like this.  The chairs, the globes, the organization, the clock....I can't stop drooling.

no. 2:  Baby Shakespeare

Earlier this week I came across this video and I just can't get over the cuteness.  While pregnant Dave and I both said that we were going to only speak to gv with a British accent so he would hopefully pick it up (for our humor).  I didn't ever think of him reciting Shakespeare, there's another idea....

no. 3: DIY Valentines
I get a little too excited when thinking about helping gv make things for school in the future.  I especially can't wait to get my kid craft on when I see things like these homemade Valentines.  

no.4: More DIY Valentines
How fun are these?  Easy peasy too.  Oh...I'm itching for pre-school.  

no. 5:  Joel Made It
I found a couple of things that I wanted to share that I saw from this dad crafter's blog and I as continued to look, I kept finding more and more.  In turn, I recommend checking out his blog for yourself.  I especially loved his modern playhouse with the chalkboard wall.  He has some really fun and simple crafting ideas that I hope to remember one day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Five for Friday: 1st edition.

I plan to start a series, a real life series!  Every Friday I hope to share with you five things that I want/like/just want to share that I find from other blogs or websites.  They may not all be baby or child related, since I do have other interests.  Here we go....

So many choices, I don't know where to start.

no. 1:  The most awesomely incredible staircase ever! 
When I dream of my dream house, this is in it.  

no.2:  Toadstool table and chairs
This caters to my little gnome obsession.  

no.3:  Mini-e
I'm drooling over this one.  This is a child-size replica of the 1956 Eames lounge chair and ottoman.  I have acquired a thing for mid-century furniture.  GV and I already have matching chairs, but maybe one day we can upgrade to this.  $900 isn't too much for a kid's chair, is it?

no. 4:  Baby converse
I'm not much of a shoe fanatic, but I do get a little giddy over baby shoes.  I'm not too sure how baby sizes work, so GV hasn't sported any shoes yet.  I'm getting really giddy thinking of GV's first pair of Converse.  It won't be long!

no. 5:  Hanging Cloth Bookself

I love about every thing in his picture.  But I am focusing on the hanging book shelf.  I read the tutorial and one day I hope to get around to making one.  Maybe I can use that very same fabric.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And the Little One Said

Roll Over, Roll Over!
At 3 months and 1 week old GV decided to wake up this morning, stretch out on the floor, and roll himself over.  Dave, who happened to be working from home, and I both had our eyes on him, witnessing his first EVER roll.  GV acted like his feat was no biggie, but his Dad and I, squealed with excitement.  We may or may not have slightly frightened our little baby.